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If you would like someone to come and visit you to explain what we do and how we do it, just download new Speaker Request form 2023.docx or email Estelle or 影梭节点
To book a tour click the image below
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Creating a kind, confident and connected community
Incredible Edible Todmorden
is a Community Benefit Society
Registration number: 7230
click here to find out more
We are passionate people working together for a world where all share responsibility for the future wellbeing of our planet and ourselves.
We aim to provide access to good local food for all, through
• working together
• learning – from cradle to grave
• supporting local business
All with no paid staff, no buildings, no public funding: radical community building in action.
Membership: If you eat you’re in.
We are all unpaid volunteers doing our best for our town. We rely on donations, made by groups coming for a tour and speakers going out to tell our story.
Confused by all the different Incredible groups in Todmorden? click 免费shadowsock二维码
Vox Pops, what you say about us
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There are loads of ways you can help us in our work. For more information click here. Or email Estelle佛跳墙v n

- 15.04.20Terrific Taiwan
- 8.04.20Incredible Matthanee trip to South Korea and Japan
- 8.04.20VPS - 分类目录 - 如有乐享 - ruyo:2021-5-18 · 2021年5月18日14:50:30 更新:谢谢评论区大佬提供3小时20分钟的课程! 谷歌在16年收购 Qwiklabs,是一个学习平台,为那些想要更熟悉操作云环境,伍及在上面编写应用程序的人群提供教学。
- 31.03.20making paper pots in lock down
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- 24.04.19Great taste of Sunday gardening, a film by Giffgaff
- 14.11.18Incredible Edble Todmorden Archive
- 27.09.18CNN eyes view of IET